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Caravan News 4726

Over 20,000 Guests Attend Weekend Events in Stockton

SMG Stockton, the manager for the Stockton Arena, Bob Hope Theatre, Stockton Ballpark and the Oak Park Ice Arena, welcomed over 20,000 guests into Downtown Stockton between April 12th and April 14th.
To start the busy weekend, Friday evening saw the Stockton Thunder host an incredible game six, in which they rallied from a three goal, third period deficit to win.  Also that Friday, the Bob Hope Theatre hosted Apollo Nights, which showcased the talents of many of our local youth.
Saturday night saw the final show in Stockton for Vicente Fernandez.  “El Rey,” as part of his “Giro Del Adios” tour, put on a three hour performance at the Stockton Arena.  With his son, Vicente Jr. opening, Vicente Senior bid farewell to his supporters for the last time in Stockton.  The show itself was the largest single show in the Arena’s history.
Stockton Ballpark hosted a high school baseball tournament that featured local teams, Linden High and St. Mary’s High School competing.
Finally, on Sunday, the Friends of the Fox hosted their ongoing film series, with China Town on the big screen.  The movie was supplemented by a showing of Over Troubled Waters, a documentary film about the ongoing plans of taking Delta water and funneling it south.
Also on Sunday, the Stockton Thunder played a do or die game seven, and walked away with a hard fought victory to propel them into round two against the Alaska Aces.
Mike Cera, the SMG Stockton General Manager, said “This past weekend showcased a diverse lineup of entertainment simultaneously in several of the downtown entertainment venues.  We were excited about the turnout at all of the events that occurred this weekend and it was exciting to see so many people have a great time.”

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