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Over 70,000 people could lose health care coverage in San Joaquin County including middle-income families.
Caravan News 7505

Over 70,000 people could lose health care coverage in San Joaquin County including middle-income families.

What does San Joaquin County Stand to Lose under Affordable Care Act Repeal?

NOTE:  The CARAVAN felt that this issue was extremely important for our local community and the entire state.  It’s time to take action to let your voice be heard.  If the American Health Care Act passes and replaces the Affordable Care Act, it will have major negative impact on our local health care services and economy in San Joaquin County.  We share the following for your consideration.


Rarely has an action of the Congress and Senate had such impact on the health care of so many.  President Donald Trump ran on his commitment to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) referred to by many as “Obama Care.”  He has offered what some call “Trump Care” in the form of his own American Health Care Act (AHCA).  Regardless of your political persuasion, you should be aware of what this means for us here at home.  The impact can be dramatic and touches you and your family and those around you.  Take time to learn and then act.  It’s up to all of us to be involved.

What does San Joaquin County Stand to Lose under ACA Repeal?

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) , a federal agency within the legislative branch of the United States government that provides budget and economic information to Congress, has estimated that nationally, 24 million people will lose health care coverage and locally, cost $12 billion annual impact to the California economy.

Here are few of the facts:

  • The CBO estimates 14 million people will lose coverage in the first year of the AHCA, rising to 24 million after all the reductions are fully implemented.
  • These reductions will have an estimated $12 billion annual impact to California alone
  • The Affordable Care Act (ACA) played an important role in expanding health care coverage through the Medicaid program, especially to the working poor, who otherwise have little access to health coverage

But what impact does it have for us in San Joaquin County if the American Health Care Act 2017 passes?

The UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and UC Berkeley Labor Center published a fact sheet in January 2017 illustrating the major impact on San Joaquin County if the American Health Care Act 2017 passes and replaced the previous Affordable Heath Act. 

California saw large increases in health coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). 3.7 million adults enrolled in the Medi-Cal expansion.  1.2 million Californians enrolled in subsidized insurance through Covered California, with average annual premium subsidies of $3,700. Statewide, the uninsurance rate fell from 17.2% in 2013 to 8.6% in 2015. Repealing the ACA threatens not only to leave millions without health insurance, but also to eliminate 209,000 jobs and cost the state economy $20.3 billion in GDP.   Further negative impacts could occur if Congress decides to restructure federal payments for the entire state Medi-Cal program.

These additional facts summarizes their recent research on the impact of ACA repeal on San Joaquin  County.

Health insurance at risk

  • 73,773 low-income adults who are enrolled in the ACA Medi-Cal expansion would lose their health insurance, equivalent to 10.2% of the county population.
  • 22,150 low- and middle-income residents would lose federal subsidies to help make private insurance purchased through Covered  California more affordable. 
  • The county’s uninsurance rate fell by 54% under the ACA, from 17.2% in 2013 to 7.7% in 2015.
  • 66,000 residents who gained coverage since 2013 may return to being uninsured.

Economic losses  (projections)

  • Approximately 4,000 jobs in healthcare and other industries would be lost under ACA repeal due to the reduction in federal healthcare spending and the ripple effect throughout the local economy associated with the loss of that economic stimulus.
  • $324 million in GDP would be eliminated from the County economy under ACA repeal.

Call your political representatives by 2PM Wednesday, March 22nd and urge them NOT to support the American Health Care Act when it comes to the House floor for a vote.


Congressman Jerry McNerney (D)
D.C. Office

U.S. Senators

Senator Kamala Harris (D)
202.224.3553 (phone)
202.228.3863 (fax)

Senator Diann Feinstein (D)
202.224.3841 (phone)
202.228.3954 (fax)

Sources:  Congressional Budget Office, The UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and UC Berkeley Labor Center.


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