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PREVAIL recognizes Teen Dating Awareness Month with film and panel discussion “The Last Drop”
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PREVAIL recognizes Teen Dating Awareness Month with film and panel discussion “The Last Drop”

PREVAIL is presenting a unique opportunity to watch “The Last Drop,” an inspiring short film that helps adults and young people recognize and react to the early signs of abusive behavior in others and in themselves. The film takes viewers on a journey through the memories of real survivors of relationship abuse.

High school and college students are encouraged to attend as well as parents, educators, and youth advocates. Adam Joel, writer and director of The Last Drop, will participate in panel discussion immediately following the film.

February is Teen Dating Awareness Month and in recognition of the long-lasting effects violence can have when experienced at a young age, PREVAIL is providing this unique program to educate and inform. PREVAIL, formerly Women’s Center Youth & Family Services, encourages young people and the adults in their lives to join this important conversation and feel empowered with its message of strength, support and hope.

According to the National Sexual Violence Research Center:

  • Over 71% of women and over 55% of men first experienced partner violence such as sexual or physical violence and/or stalking under the age of 25.
  • One in four women first experienced intimate partner violence prior to age 18.
  • Over 80% of both women and men who have experienced rape were under the age of 25 at the time of the attack.
  • Youth who experience sexual violence as children or teens are more likely to suffer sexual violence into adulthood.

To purchase a ticket for this event, visit or scan the QR code at the bottom. Consider sharing this event with others by posting the attached flyer.

For more information about this event please call (209) 941-2611 or email at: [email protected]

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