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Protect Yourself From Mosquito Bites During National Night Out
Caravan News 5300

Protect Yourself From Mosquito Bites During National Night Out

With “National Night Out” on August 7, 2018 many of us will be enjoying an evening outside with our friends and neighbors. Remember to use mosquito repellent when outdoors. “Using EPA registered repellents containing DEET, Picaridin, IR3535, or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus are recommended to prevent mosquito bites and reduce the risk of mosquito-borne disease,” said Aaron Devencenzi, Public Information Officer with San Joaquin County Mosquito and Vector Control District (District). The District continues to detect significant West Nile virus (WNV) activity in mosquito samples throughout San Joaquin County, said Devencenzi.

Mosquitoes develop quickly in hot weather and if they are carrying WNV, the virus amplifies faster in their bodies. As a result, humans have a higher risk of being exposed to WNV. Follow these tips to reduce your risk.

  1. Apply EPA registered insect repellents. Protection times vary depending on the type and active ingredient in these products.
  2. Wear protective clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts and pants.
  3. Check and repair all window and door screens to keep mosquitoes out of your home.
  4. Minimize outdoor activities at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.
  5. Call San Joaquin County Mosquito and Vector Control District for help with significant mosquito problems.

West Nile virus is active throughout San Joaquin County and many parts of California. The District is actively trapping, testing, and spraying for mosquitoes. Eliminating standing water and using mosquitofish in water troughs, neglected pools, and water features are recommended to reduce mosquitoes around homes and properties.

For 2018, in San Joaquin County, there are 172 mosquito samples and 5 dead birds that have tested positive for WNV. In addition, there are 3 human cases being reported by SJC Public Health Services. For more information on human cases in San Joaquin County, call San Joaquin County Public Health Services at (209) 468-3411.

Report significant mosquito problems including daytime biting mosquitoes to San Joaquin County Mosquito & Vector Control District at or call (209) 982-4675, 1-800-300-4675.

Report dead birds and tree squirrels to 1-877-WNV-BIRD (1-877-968-2473) or

For additional information, request service, request free mosquitofish, or to sign up for the District’s spray notification system, go to

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