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Public Meeting Scheduled for Miner Avenue Complete Street Improvements
Caravan News 2382

Public Meeting Scheduled for Miner Avenue Complete Street Improvements

Members of the public are invited to a public meeting on Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. to learn about plans for construction of the Miner Avenue Complete Street Improvements Project. The meeting will be held at the Stockton Memorial Civic Auditorium, North Hall, 525 North Center Street, in downtown Stockton. Construction is scheduled to begin Spring of 2020.

Design plans have been completed by the City of Stockton Public Works Department.  The project area is in the greater downtown area along Miner Avenue between Center Street and the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) tracks. Project improvements include the following:

  • Reducing lanes from four to two lanes and adding Class II bicycle lanes throughout the project area;
  • Adding median islands with landscaping;
  • A roundabout at the San Joaquin Street intersection;
  • Traffic signal modifications at the signalized intersection and installation of street lights;
  • Pedestrian and bicycle amenities; and
  • Adding bulb-out round corners with ADA-compliant crossings and bollards.

Information about the project and other displays will be available at the public meeting. City of Stockton project and design team representatives will provide a short introduction of the project at 6:15 p.m. and will be available to answer questions.

All City of Stockton meetings are conducted in English. A Spanish-language interpreter will be available in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act and California Law. It is the policy of the City of Stockton to offer its public programs, services and meetings in a manner that is readily accessible to everyone, including those with limited English proficiency or disabilities. If a language interpreter is needed or a copy of meeting materials in an appropriate alternataive format, or other accommodations are required, persons are invited to contact Rosa Alvarez at 22 E. Weber Avenue, 3rd Floor, Stockton, CA 95202, during normal business hours or call (209) 464-8707.

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