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Caravan News 5732

Salvation Army Red kettle income in San Joaquin County not keeping pace with last year’s total

The Salvation Army units in San Joaquin County (Lodi, Stockton and Tracy) are reporting that the Red Kettle Campaign donations are down by nearly 30% compared to funds raised last Christmas season.

"This is a bit of surprise to see that our kettle income is down by this much," said Major Mark Thielenhaus, Salvation Army Lodi Corps officer. "We hope to see a turnaround during the last two weeks of Christmas shopping."

Kettle gifts stay locally to provide Christmas assistance, food assistance, youth programs and many other year-round programs.  This holiday season, the Lodi Corps will assist approximately 670 families with food boxes and toys, while the Stockton and Tracy units will also help another 513 families. 

"For many Salvation Army locations, especially in smaller communities, we really rely on our kettle income to support the programs that we have," said Lt. Doug Hanson, Salvation Army Stockton Corps officer, who also oversees the services in Tracy.  "We can definitely stretch that dollar to run our services, but if our communities could rally down the stretch, it would make it a lot easier on our operations."

The Red Kettle campaign will continue through December 24 at various storefronts throughout the San Joaquin area.  To make a one-time gift to support The Salvation Army, you can contact:

Lt. Doug Hanson
Stockton Corps
1305 E Weber Ave, Stockton 95205
(209) 948-8955

Major Mark Thielenhaus
Lodi Corps
525 W Lockeford St, Lodi 95240
(209) 369-5896

For information about making a charitable gift online or finding other ways to give, go to

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