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San Joaquin County Superior Court Celebrates Juror Appreciation Week
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San Joaquin County Superior Court Celebrates Juror Appreciation Week

The Superior Court of San Joaquin County is pleased to announce that it will celebrate Juror Appreciation Week, May 8 – 12, to recognize the service and participation of jurors from the local community. On May 9, 2017, the Board of Supervisors will present a proclamation to the court to honor the citizens of this county who have served as jurors. During Juror Appreciation Week, jurors will be greeted each morning by judges or the Court Executive Officer who will recognize the jurors for their vital role in the justice system.

The San Joaquin Superior Court strives to improve jurors' experiences with the court. Beginning July 31, 2017, citizens summoned for jury service will no longer report to the windowless basement assembly area in the current courthouse. Instead, jurors will congregate in the 12th floor light-filled jury assembly room in the new Stockton Courthouse located at 180 East Weber Avenue. A terrace for jurors will provide a comfortable outdoor waiting space and offer unique views of the Weber Point Event Center, the Delta and Mt. Diablo.

The court implemented the use of a juror text notification system and an express self-check-in system. The court’s web application system was enhanced to allow prospective jurors to update their personal information and also request a one-time, short term or long term postponement.

Presiding Judge Jose L. Alva said, “The goal of Juror Appreciation Week is to thank our many jurors for their invaluable service. Jury duty is essential to the judicial system and the court depends on the citizens of San Joaquin County to serve as jurors.”

Annually, millions of Californians participate in jury service:

  • Approximately 9 million people are summoned to jury service;
  • Over 3.5 million prospective jurors are eligible and available to serve; and
  • Approximately 80 percent of prospective jurors complete service in one day.

For more information on jury service, contact Jacob Montez, Operations Manager, at 209-992- 5391, see, or visit the Jury Service section of the California Courts website.

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