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San Joaquin Engineers Council 2021 Engineer of the Year Award
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San Joaquin Engineers Council 2021 Engineer of the Year Award

Mr. Christopher H. Neudeck, P.E

The San Joaquin Engineers Council is pleased to announce Mr. Christopher H. Neudeck, P.E. as the recipient of the 2021 Engineer of the Year Award.

The award is for meritorious and altruistic service to the engineering profession and to the community.  The recipient of this award must have dedicated their professional knowledge and skills to the advancement of human welfare, lived and worked according to the highest standards of professional conduct; to have served with the honor and standing of their profession before personal advantage, and the public welfare above all other considerations.

Neudeck, originally from Sacramento, received his Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from Santa Clara University in 1982. Upon graduation, he moved to Stockton and began his career at Kjeldsen, Sinnock and Neudeck, Inc. where he currently serves as the Company’s Vice President.

Neudeck’s professional career has included civil engineering services in the areas of planning, design, and construction of a wide variety of water resource and public works related projects.  He is responsible for planning, designing, estimating, contracting, managing, and supervising projects undertaken by the 38-person firm. His experience also includes the management of large-scale mapping projects used to form the background for planning, right of way, and the design of projects.

As a recognized authority on water resources in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Chris currently serves as District Engineer for over 20 Reclamation Districts, where he has managed numerous water-related projects in San Joaquin County, Sacramento County and surrounding areas. He has experience in water rights services including investigations of riparian and pre-1914 water rights. Chris has extensive experience with the new flood management requirements being implemented in California; having helped to negotiate, manage, and develop the policy and resulting SB5 law requiring 200-Year level protection for urban areas within the Central Valley. Under his management, KSN has become an expert in the San Joaquin Region at 200-year floodplain mapping efforts, having produced three separate 200 year floodplain maps.

Neudeck received the 2019 ASCE Sacramento Section Capitol Branch Outstanding Civil Engineer Award and the 2019 Floodplain Management Association’s Integrated Flood Management Award.

Neudeck lives in Stockton with his wife Rita. They have two children and two grandchildren. He has been active in the Dameron Hospital Foundation, the Annunciation School Board and the St. Mary’s High School Board of trustees, where he currently chairs their Facilities and Maintenance committee.

The award will be presented to Mr. Christopher Neudeck at the San Joaquin Engineers Council Annual Engineer’s Award Event, on Thursday, February 25, 2021.  Due to the COVID19 pandemic, most of SJEC’s in-person events will be virtual online events.  The Annual Award event is held during Engineer’s Week, a nation-wide event recognizing the works and contributions of the engineering profession.  2021 will be the first year in San Joaquin Engineer’s Council’s fifty-four-year history that will be held as a virtual event.

Please go to for event information and reservations. For more information on SJEC, go to

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