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San Joaquin Engineers Council announces Mr. Chad Kennedy as the recipient of the 2018 Distinguished Service Award
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San Joaquin Engineers Council announces Mr. Chad Kennedy as the recipient of the 2018 Distinguished Service Award

The San Joaquin Engineers Council has selected Mr. Chad Kennedy to receive the 2018 Distinguished Service Award.  Presentation of the award will be at the Council's 51st annual dinner meeting at the University of the Pacific's DeRosa Center, February 22, 2018.  

The engineering profession is made up of individuals who apply science to the common purpose of life, and is defined as the “profession in which knowledge of mathematical and natural sciences, gained by study, experience, and practice, is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of humankind.” 

Each year SJEC accepts nominations for the Engineering Profession Distinguished Service Award; these nominees are individuals who have given freely of their time and services for the benefit of the engineering profession and the community.  This award is intended to recognize someone who has shown an exceptional dedication and passion through the engineering and allied professions without the expectation of financial reward.

Mr. Chad Kennedy is a licensed Landscape Architect, and Director of Landscape Architecture at O'Dell Engineering in Modesto, CA.  He is a certified playground safety inspector and an advocate for equal play opportunity.  He has designed many socially inclusive playgrounds in the California region, and speaks nationally on the subject.  His most recent community project is "The Awesome Spot Playground". Since 2015, Mr. Kennedy has been an integral part of the team of community advocates that are working tirelessly to make this socially inclusive playground a reality. The project is a socially inclusive and sensory integrated play space designed to eliminate social, physical, sensory, and cognitive barriers from play. These barriers, unfortunately, have been a long standing problem for some populations in our society including persons with disabilities, individuals on the autism spectrum and those with moderate to severe sensory processing disorders. The Awesome Spot Playground will break down these barriers that traditionally keep children and adults from participating in play with each other. 

Mr. Kennedy’s fundamental strong work ethic, contributions and passion for using his education to help the community are paramount and define this award.   His community work to date is meaningful and respected.  SJEC only hopes more professionals can strive to do such meaningful and often overlooked types of service projects.  Thank you for this generous, kind and true dedication.  This type of work not only benefits humankind, but it benefits communities that share family members with all types of disabilities.  Mr. Kennedy's interest in advocacy for persons with disabilities originated from employment at the Center for Persons with Disabilities and from a year-long interdisciplinary disability course he participated in at the Center.  His employment at the Center made a lasting impression and has been a guide and passion during his subsequent career.  We are honored to present Mr. Chad Kennedy with this award.

When he is not volunteering Chad dedicates his time to the true joy in his life - through quality time with his wife and three children and the overall happiness and well-being of his family. He is encouraged, however, by the fact that time spent away from them, devoted to church service, volunteer organizations and professional endeavors, offers potential for enhanced quality of life to many local residents, inclusive of his own family.

The award will be presented to Mr. Chad Kennedy at the San Joaquin Engineers Council Annual Engineer’s Banquet, starting at 5.30 pm on Thursday, February 22, 2018 at the University Center on the University of the Pacific Campus in Stockton.  The banquet is held during Engineer’s Week, a nation-wide event recognizing the works and contributions of the engineering profession. 

Please go to or contact Larry Test, 209-948-2081, for event information and reservations.

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