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San Joaquin LaborFest 2013 Upcoming Events
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San Joaquin LaborFest 2013 Upcoming Events

San Joaquin LaborFest 2013 and the SJDC Cultural Awareness Program proudly announces a special screening of "Fighting for Our Lives", the 1975 documentary about Cesar Chavez, the farm worker movement, and the formation of UFW. Please join us after the film for a panel discussion about the past, present, and future of agriculture and organized labor in the Central Valley. Panelists include UFW Vice President Armando Elenes; Pedro Ramirez, SJDC English Professor; and Maria Elena Serna and Mercedes Silveira-Gouveia, former UFW organizers. Contact Dalyn Adorno at: (347) 334-2935 for more information.

Some other San Joaquin LaborFest 2013 events to watch for during the month of May:

  • May 1st: May Day Family Rally and March. Food and entertainment beginning at 4:00 p.m. at DeCarli Plaza, Channel and N. El Dorado Streets in Stockton. Speakers at 5:30 leading up to a Solidarity March at 6:00 p.m. Contact: Tim Robertson at: (415) 987-4870
  • May 3rd: David Bacon Photography Exhibit. Opening May 3rd 6:00 p.m. at the Lodi Public Library. Photos of immigrant workers will be on display throughout the month of May. Contact Karen Barila (209) 333-6800 ext. 2015
  • May 4th : Health Care in Crisis. 11:00 a.m. San Joaquin-Calaveras Central Labor Council, 115 N. Sutter St. Suite 200 in Stockton. Sara Flocks, Health Insurance Specialist for the California Labor Federation will explain the Affordable Care Act.
  • May 11th:Japanese Internment Camps, Presented by Cynthia Henry. Manteca Public Library, McFall Room; 1:00 p.m. 320 Center Street, Manteca. Contact: Jerry Bailey (209) 951-0499

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