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SICL Spring 2018 Registration for Lifelong Learning Opportunities at Delta College

Stockton Institute for Continued Learning (SICL) provides affordable classes and speakers for lifelong learners at Delta College.  No tests, no grades...just quality lifelong learning opportunities and fun!  Coming this spring, SICL will be offering 32 different classes (10 brand NEW classes and many returning favorites), along with a FREE Speaker Series presented by Rich Turner (Photographer), Paula Sheil (Professor/Publisher), and Linda Derivi (Architect)   Some of the Spring classes include Beginning Bridge, Drawing, Card Games, Opera Appreciation, Mah Jong, Creative Writing, Genealogy, Birding, Gardening, Quilting, Fit-Friends Walking Group, Creative Writing, Tai Chi, Latin American Films, Mindful Meditation, Book Club, Painting, Quilting, Tai, Chi, and Nutrition. SICL offers something for everyone!

SICL spring registration begins on Saturday, February 10, 2018, 10:00-11:30 a.m. in Upper Danner Hall at Delta College (Stockton Campus).  A low $30 membership fee entitles members to take as many classes as they would like.  For detailed information about the SICL program and the fall offerings, visit the website:  For membership and registration information, call 209-910-4748, or email: [email protected].

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