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Caravan News 4618

Sixth Annual Stockton Big Valley Black Expo

Welcome to the sixth annual STOCKTON BIG VALLEY BLACK EXPO set for Saturday April 6 and Sunday April 7, 2013, hosted by the new African American source of information TODAY’S TIMES NEWSPAPER, the Valley’s only African American minority focused newspaper.

Now is the time for progress to reach those who have progressed towards new opportunity. Black-owned businesses have transformed into the seasoned astute owners who are capable of taking full advantage of today and tomorrow’s business needs.

The BIG VALLEY BLACK EXPO is symbolic of how African Americans continue to grow and extend their market base beyond traditional boundaries.

African American owned companies will have an opportunity to establish relationships with corporations who understand the importance of utilizing small business as a formula for their success. Demographics support the fact that Black owned companies are now providing more services, goods and products than ever to technology, medical, construction, and financial institutions. You are once again invited to become a strategic partner in the success of building your brand in the new economy of the next decade.

As companies position themselves for future success they are looking for unique methods to attach their products, and services, to opportunities that bring forth brand loyalty. As you grow your concepts with the BLACK EXPO you will discover a new market of clients and customers who are willing participants in economic exchange.

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