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SJ Kennel Club Dog show
Caravan News 3801

SJ Kennel Club Dog show

San Joaquin Kennel Club will be holding their annual Dog Show at the San Joaquin County Fairgrounds in Stockton.

Event date: 11/22/2015 - 11/24/2015 Export event

On Sunday, November 22nd and Monday, November 23rd the San Joaquin Kennel Club will be holding their annual Dog Show at the San Joaquin County Fairgrounds in Stockton. The Show will start at 8:30AM. For specific breed judging times and rings as well as any other Show information check our website

There will be over 2000 of the top dogs from all over the country. These dogs will be judged on confirmation, obedience and we will have a Rally Event. There will also be 4-6 Puppy and Owner Handler judging. All these events are FREE to the public.

San Joaquin Kennel club has been recognized by the American Kennel Club(AKC) since 1917 and is one of the oldest Clubs in the country. SJKC has donated thousands of dollars to the San Joaquin Sheriffs Department’s K-9 Corps and to local as well as National Canine organizations. The Show also brings thousands of dollars each year to the Stockton area hotels, restaurants, retail stores, etc., from exhibitors participating in the Show.

There will be a Public Education Center at the Show with FREE information (brochures from AKC) regarding teaching and owning a dog as well as info on how to choose the right dog for you and your family, grooming and dog show handling. In addition, there will be vendors with dog related items such as toys, books, dog food, leashes/collars, coats and much more.

Free Dog Show tour will be offered at 10:00AM on Sunday.

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