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South Stockton Summer Reading Program - Volunteers Needed
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South Stockton Summer Reading Program - Volunteers Needed

The Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin, United Way of San Joaquin, University of Pacific and Councilmember Michael Tubbs have created a six-week summer reading program, Stockton Summer United (SSU)-United for Learning.  SSU will be held at both of the Stockton public housing communities of Conway and Sierra Vista Homes.  The purpose of SSU is to improve the reading literacy of 1st through 3rd grade students and encourage them to become lifelong readers as well as provide fun and engaging ways to build their independent reading skills.  

The need for students to have solid reading skills by third grade is imperative.  The University of the Pacific’s Beyond our Gates – Reading by Thirdinitiative, as well as in studies that have been conducted throughout the nation, has shown that through the third grade, students are still learning to read.  After third grade, the focus shifts and students read to learn, relying on their strong foundation in reading and writing to process the more challenging subjects and concepts of junior high and high school.

SSU starts June 16th and ends on July 23rd

They are seeking community members (Guest Readers) to come to SSU and read a book to the children.  Guest Readers will arrive at 11:00 am on either a Monday or a Tuesday and it will last no more than 30 minutes.  The books and discussion questions have already been prepared.  For more information, call 209-460-5024 or email The Summer Reader at [email protected]


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