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St. Joseph's  Offers Community Wellness Series
Caravan News 5185

St. Joseph's Offers Community Wellness Series

St. Joseph's Medical Center will once again be holding its popular biannual Know Your Mind, Body and Spirit wellness series on Tuesdays in August.

This four week series will feature the following sessions:

August 2 - Hear answers to your questions and common sense wisdom with Phyllis King. A regular on Bay Area TV, Phyllis King says "no topic is off limits!" She has 4 published books including coauthoring Bouncing Back with Dr. Wayne Dyer.

August 9 - Meaningful connections with others are easy, when it is going well. How do we stay connected when it gets difficult? Jean Holsten is returning to continue the conversation about Dynamic Dialogue and your role in remaining connected.

August 16 - Learn how ancient wisdom can help you to understand your true nature. Come take a "self-exam" and discover which "energies" are dominant in your inner
system. Shamila Chand will share her unique perspective on living well; utilizing ancient traditions and Ayurvedic principles.

August 23 - Mind fog and fuzzy memory can be improved! Joseph Carter, L. Ac. blends current science with traditional Chinese medicine to address neurological concerns.

The series takes place every Tuesday in August (8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23) at St. Joseph's Medical Center in the Auditorium (basement level), 1800 N. California St., Stockton, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Series cost is $20 and preregistration is required.

For more information and to register, call 209.939.4526 or visit

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