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STAND Receives $1.8 Million Grant from Dignity Health Homeless Health Initiative
Caravan News 3844

STAND Receives $1.8 Million Grant from Dignity Health Homeless Health Initiative

Dignity Health recently provided a Homeless Health Initiative Grant to Stocktonians Taking Action to Neutralize Drugs (STAND) for $1.8 million, in partnership with San Joaquin County Whole Person Care (WPC). With this funding, STAND will be able to provide permanent housing for those most in need in our community.

“Dignity Health’s Homeless Health Initiative grant program is an extension of our organization’s long standing commitment to serving those most vulnerable among us, including the unhoused,” said Don Wiley, president and CEO of St. Joseph’s Medical Center. “Through this collaboration between multiple partners, we are able to address both the social support and housing needs in our community, through this sustainable model.”

This grant will enable STAND to build four units on its existing property and to purchase and rehabilitate three additional units to permanently house the homeless. The seven units will house a minimum of 16 individuals experiencing homelessness.

“STAND is excited to provide permanent housing for the homeless. Dignity Health and Whole Person Care are great organizations to work with since they are dedicated to helping these folks reestablish their lives. Fastest way to do that is provide housing,” said Fred Sheil, Administrator of STAND.
In addition to the $1.8 million from Dignity Health, WPC will be contributing up to $560,000 to the project. They will be working with patients that are receiving services and are ready to transition to living independently, to help them obtain tenant and project based vouchers from the Housing Authority of San Joaquin County. The vouchers will cover the cost of monthly rent for each unit, support operating costs and help make this project sustainable.

“The funding that San Joaquin County is providing through our Whole Person Care pilot represents a multi-agency collaborative effort to provide stable and affordable housing to those who would not otherwise have access to it within our community” said Matt Garber, assistant director of san Joaquin County Healthcare Services. “There is a critical need for a supply of dedicated housing for the homeless and this effort will provide for the expansion of that housing supply for this population within our county.”

Dignity Health selected STAND to receive this grant because this project helps both the medically vulnerable population identified by Whole Person Care and creates permanent solutions through shared housing.


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