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Stockton Chamber of Commerce Announces 2013 ATHENA Awards Recipients
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Stockton Chamber of Commerce Announces 2013 ATHENA Awards Recipients

The Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce announces the selection of Dr. Kathleen Hart as its 2013 ATHENA Award recipient and Monica Streeter as the Young Professional ATHENA Award recipient. The ATHENA Awards will be presented to Kathy and Monica at the annual ATHENA Luncheon on November 21st, 11:30am, at the Stockton Golf and Country Club.
Dr. Kathy Hart has demonstrated her leadership skills through numerous positions she has held in her long and distinguished career at San Joaquin Delta College. Throughout her impressive career in Education and despite the current rigors of her position as Superintendent/President, Kathy has an impressive commitment to serving our community on numerous board, committees and local service organizations. Supporting others is a central theme of Kathy’s life and it is obvious from her service that she is dedicated to making our community a better place. She is a champion of volunteerism and nonprofit organizations, as evidenced by her eight years of dedicated service on the United Way Care Fund team and serving on the Church of the Presentation committees. She champions the arts, as shown by her 16 years of outstanding service to organizations including the Stockton Symphony and Stockton Arts Commission, serving as Vice Chair of the Commission and long-time Endowment Committee Chair and principal organizer of the Summer Art Program. Currently she is a member of the Workforce Investment Board, the Business Council Board, the Community Health Forum Steering Committee, and Rotary Club of Stockton. Kathy has a long history of being a role model at Delta College. Throughout her 19 years at Delta, she has held multiple leadership positions, each with increasing responsibility, culminating being named Delta’s first female Superintendent/President in 2012. She is supported by members of all campus constituent groups, and especially women.
Monica Streeter, Associate Attorney has been with Neumiller and Beardslee since 2006. She specializes in land use, environmental, real property and public agency law. She serves as deputy City Attorney for the City of Hughson and counsel for the SJ County Multi-Species and Open Space Habitat and Conservation Plan. Recently, she engaged the master students at Pacific’s Eberhardt School of Business and organized an 8 week course with the students that present the firm with a comprehensive market analysis and corresponding recommendations. The students and Dean thought the class so stimulating and practical; she has been invited to continue an on-going series of lectures with the Business School. Monica is a mentor and role model to other young female lawyers, having been chosen for leadership positions in her profession, serving on the Board of the Women Lawyer’s Section of the San Joaquin County Bar Association. Monica has served for several years as an active Board member for Friends of the Fox/Bob Hope Theater, with downtown Stockton and Stockton’s local arts and culture being focal points for her interests. She serves on the Board of Goodwill Industries and also on their legal committee. Monica also has served since 2011 on the Board of the Haggin Museum. She has in the past and continues to be a mentor and role model for young women both personally and professionally. She inspires young women by her service and achievements in our community. Monica genuinely cares for and works for our city and community.
Past ATHENA honorees include Judith Chambers, Cyril Seligman, Susan Carson, Marian Jacobs, Karen Munro, Iva Harris, Janice Marengo, Bobbie Fasano, Kathleen Janssen, Kathryn Rousek, Jeanette Michaels, Judith Buethe, Ann Johnston, Connemara Reisinger, Charlynn Harless, Kristen Spracher Birtwhistle, Hedy Holmes, Jeanne Zolezzi, Jane Butterfield, Dr. Hazel Hill, Susan Lenz, Mary Bava, Judge Consuelo Callahan, Dea Berberian, Sara Garfield and Phyllis Grupe. Young ATHENA honorees include Mimi Nguyen, Nikki Lowery, Angela Rosenquist and Jennifer Torres Siders. Tickets for this high-profile event at $40 are available by calling the Greater Stockton Chamber of Chamber at (209) 547-2770.

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