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Stockton Chorale Performs Easter Portion of 'Messiah'
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Stockton Chorale Performs Easter Portion of 'Messiah'

The Stockton Chorale joins forces with the Jubilate Baroque Orchestra on May 17 at Faye Spanos Concert Hall to perform Parts Two and Three of Handel's choral masterpiece, "Messiah."

The Jubilate Baroque Orchestra employs musicians that perform Baroque music (c. 1620-1750) in a historically informed style. The instrumentalists play that orchestral music quite differently from modern orchestras and modern techniques. However, the effect is a combination of delicacy and accuracy that audiences rarely get a chance to hear and which will sonically transport listeners back to the time of "Messiah's" premiere in 1742.

In addition to the voices of the Chorale and the orchestra, four magnificent soloists - Jessica Siena, soprano; Lisa van der Ploeg, mezzo-soprano; Daniel Ebbers, tenor; Silas Elash, bass - will help bring the story of "Messiah" to life. Part Two of "Messiah" features choruses and solos that chronicle Jesus' passion and death, beginning with "Behold the Lamb of God" and ending with the well-known "Hallelujah" chorus. Part Three celebrates the Resurrection with choruses and solos drawn from New Testament texts. Handel's work combines wonder, drama, and the sense of celebration that is so very appropriate for the time of year between Easter Sunday and Pentecost. Highlights of the 68-minute concert include the emotional "He was despised" performed by van der Ploeg and Ebbers performing the desolate tenor solo "All they that see him." Soprano Sienna, an area favorite, will perform the famous "I know that my Redeemer liveth" while Elash will perform "Why do the Nations so furiously rage."

Handel premiered "Messiah" in Dublin, Ireland at a concert benefiting local charities, one of them a hospital founded in the same building that held a girls orphanage. Later performances also benefited children's charities, such as the annual concerts that began in 1750 to support London's Foundling Hospital. In that spirit, the Stockton Chorale will be donating 10% of the proceeds from this concert to the Child Abuse Prevention Council of San Joaquin County (

CAPC provides childcare services for at-risk children, one-on-one parent coaching, and therapeutic services and support groups for children, teens, and families in the San Joaquin Country region. The Stockton Chorale is proud to support such a vital organization in our area.

May 17, 7:30 pm, Faye Spanos Concert Hall, 3601 Pacific Ave, $10-$35. 951-6494.

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