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Stockton Community Council to Host 11th Annual Power of One Luncheon
Caravan News 6914

Stockton Community Council to Host 11th Annual Power of One Luncheon

United Way "Power of One" Luncheon

The Stockton Community Council of the United Way of San Joaquin County will be hosting the 11th Annual Power of One – Women Making A Difference Luncheon.  The Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at the Hilton Stockton.  Doors open at 10:30 am with numerous local non-profit organizations setup throughout the hotel to inform and educate.  A beautiful lunch will be served at noon.
Table Sponsorships begin at $400 for a table of ten, plus we offer multiple levels of sponsorship with various benefits for each level of commitment.  Individual tickets are also available for $35.00 per person.
Our Keynote speaker, Suzanne Mangum, has been an advocate for women since she was a teen.  Her parents instilled in her at a young age the desire to help women who were less fortunate and needed assistance.  Throughout her life she has worked to empower women.  She was a counselor and the Women’s Ministries leader at her church. She was in leadership in Christian Women’s Club and volunteered at both the Pregnancy Resource Center of Lodi and the Women’s Center of SJ County, eventually joining their staffs.  She counseled survivors of domestic violence and led a support group for women who were molested as children.
In 1995 she wrote the book, “Moving Beyond Adultery and Divorce” to help women in difficult marriages.  This book is her story and how she was able to rebuild her life after being married for 25 years.  Because of her dedication to helping women she was awarded the Susan B. Anthony Award in Women’s Services in 1996.  Suzanne said “God has woven everything I have experienced into my life.  He uses it all--both the good and the bad to help others.”
Suzanne is currently the Executive Director at Lodi House, a shelter for women and children.  She said “Lodi House is the fulfillment of my life’s dream, helping women to succeed every day”.  In 2002, she married Hudson and together they have 6 adult children and 11 grandchildren.  Suzanne’s life experiences have given her understanding and insight into the many problems women face today.  Her story will inspire you and exemplifies the power of one woman to make a difference in her community.
In addition to the keynote speaker, the Power of One Committee will be awarding its Eighth “Community Star” award to Danielle Krietz, a member of our community who has demonstrated a passion and commitment to making a difference in the lives of those most in need.

The net proceeds of this event will be donated to United Way’s Community Council projects.  Please do not hesitate to call Donna Ng at (209) 320-6206 to reserve your individual tickets or sponsorship. This will be a sold out event!


Click here to download this year's invitation. 

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