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Stockton Earth Day Festival: Bee Aware
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Stockton Earth Day Festival: Bee Aware

This year's Earth Day theme is "Bee Aware..."

Celebrate the 27th Annual Earth Day Festival on April 26, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Victory Park behind Haggin Museum in Stockton. “Bee Aware...” is the theme of this premier environmental event and will focus on educating local residents in taking care of our environment. Fun entertainment plus over 100 vendors will participate, including some great food fare. It is a fun day for kids, families, and admission is free.

The theme "Bee Aware ..." was selected because of the importance that bees play in providing an abundance of food and plants for our earth.  It also reflects "Bee Aware..." of water conservation, recycling, conservation of all manner, and how it all ties together.  Come see the unique bee displays, fun family activities and learn which flowers and plants are bee-friendly. You might be surprised!

Through an array of informative, interactive booths, demos, displays and exhibits, this annual festival is a chance for local area schools, environmental organizations, community agencies and green businesses to come together to share ideas and discuss important environmental issues with area residents. Local area schools will teach about how to better take care of our Earth with a variety of hands-on activities, and environmental organizations will provide education about the important issues and how we can make a difference. Community agencies will help us live a healthier, more positive life, and green businesses will assist attendees in making changes to their home and workplace.

Great entertainment will be a part of the festivities. A variety of local area bands and cultural groups will be on-hand to captivate and delight attendees.

This year’s music lineup includes:

10:00a.m. - 11:00 a.m.     Community Yoga
11:00 a.m. - 11:55    Hardly Deadly (jam and rock)
12:00 p.m. - 12:25 p.m.     Los Dazante Del Puerto (Folklorico dance troupe)
12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.     Brubeck Institute Jazz Quintet
1:35 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.         Teacher Scholarships/Announcements
1:50 p.m. - 2:40 p.m.         Simple Creation (Pop/Raggae)
2:45 p.m.- 3:10 p.m.         Kara Mogow African Drum and Dance Group
3:10 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.         Washboard Monkeys (bluegrass)
4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.         Organic Drum Circle

Start the day with a relaxing hour of yoga on the park green, or join the Family Fun Bike Ride and Parade. Hundreds of cyclists, young and old, will decorate their bikes and peddle through the Victory Park neighborhood. Afterwards, secure your bicycles in a safe bike corral staffed by the San Joaquin Bike Coalition to enjoy other festival attractions. Yoga begins at 10 a.m. Registration for the bike parade is at 10:30 a.m.
This festival is not possible without the help of wonderful volunteers. If you would like to volunteer, there are many opportunities to assist. Join others in the community who care about our environment and help make this event a success. Please visit to register online.

Passport Earth is back and is an exciting way to engage young people in learning about new ways to help the environment. Through visiting booths, collecting stamps, and answering a few environmental questions, young people can enter to win prizes. Flyers to participate are available on the festival’s website and will also be available on the day of the event at the Passport Earth booth.

The festival is brought to you by the collaboration, cooperation and dedicated work of the Peace & Justice Network, City of Stockton, University of the Pacific, San Joaquin County Office of Education, Mayaco Marketing & Internet and the San Joaquin Bike Coalition. Companies and organizations are encouraged to participate and support this environment event by becoming a sponsor. All sponsors will be recognized at the event.

For more information, call (209) 483-5199, email [email protected] or visit Earth Day Festival website at

Stockton Area Water Suppliers are giving away FREE bags at Stockton Earth Day.  The bags are re-usable and recyclable and thus considered eco-friendly. Pick up your bag while supplies last at the SAWS booth!

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