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Stockton Fire Department Safety Slogan Contest
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Stockton Fire Department Safety Slogan Contest

The City of Stockton Fire Department teamed up with Stockton, Lodi, Manteca and Lincoln school districts, as well as private schools in the area, to come up with a slogan for Sparky the Fire Dog signs, which are signs typically found in front of the fire houses throughout Stockton.  Students in 1st through 12th grade were asked to participate, and schools with submissions were Bush Elementary, McKinley Elementary, Venture Academy, Creekside Elementary, Larson Elementary and Montezuma Elementary.

More than 3,500 Americans die each year in fires and approximately 18,300 are injured, according to the U.S. Fire Administration web site (, making Fire Prevention imperative.  The contest focused on increasing Fire Prevention awareness in our community through children.

"These important safety slogans come from the children of Stockton, tomorrow's citizens and leaders, so who better to ask?” said Stockton Fire Department Chief Jeff Piechura.  “The Stockton Fire Department has partnered with the schools to ask the students for their help in developing safety messages that are relevant and meaningful to them.”

Eleven slogans were selected.  Beginning in February, one winner’s slogan will be displayed at fire houses each month.  Some of the winning slogans that you will see, include: Does your family have a meeting place?, submitted by Larson Elementary; Turn out the lights; blow out the candles, from McKinley Elementary; and Fire catches, so don’t play with matches, a winning Venture Academy slogan.  

All winning students were awarded a certificate from the City Council in appreciation and recognition of their efforts toward helping raise awareness of fire prevention in our community.  Each winning class was visited and thanked by Fire Chief Jeff Piechura and Division Chief Robert Tuitavuki.

For more information about Fire Prevention, including educational, family-oriented activities and technologies that can help protect families from fire, please contact the City of Stockton Fire Prevention Division at (209) 937-8271.

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