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Stockton Marshall Plan on Crime Town Hall Meetings
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Stockton Marshall Plan on Crime Town Hall Meetings

The City of Stockton is holding Town Hall meetings to discuss the Marshall Plan on Crime. Meetings will be held in each of the six Council districts beginning next week. The Councilmember, City Manager and Chief of Police will present at each meeting. An update on the City’s bankruptcy will also be provided.

The two biggest obstacles to Stockton’s recovery are bankruptcy and crime levels. Come and hear Stockton’s plan to address both. All meetings will begin at 6:00 p.m. and are listed in order of date occurring:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Councilmember Kathy Miller, District 2
Clairmont Elementary School, 8282 Le Mans Ave.

Thursday, June 13, 2013
Councilmember Michael Tubbs, District 6
Van Buskirk Community Center, 734 Houston Ave.

Thursday, June 20, 2013
Councilmember Moses Zapien, District 4
Stockton Empire Theatre, 1825 Pacific Ave.

The Stockton City Council approved development of the Marshall Plan on Crime as a comprehensive attempt to reduce unacceptable levels of crime in Stockton, a high crime level that has plagued Stockton for many years. The Marshall Plan Stakeholder Committee - a group of dedicated leaders from criminal justice agencies, City and County officials, schools and educators, faith-based and community-based organizations and business and community representatives – met over the last year, reviewing data, alternatives and recommendations and providing direction. On April 2, 2013, the Stockton City Council approved moving forward with community meetings to obtain citizen input that will be included in the final recommendations along with a financing plan for implementation that is in coordination with the City’s bankruptcy negotiations.

The Marshall Plan Town Hall meetings are an opportunity for citizens to ask questions and share ideas. Once we receive community input, the City Council will review a specific proposal to fund the plan.

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