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Stockton Mayor Anthony Silva arrested at Silver Lake Camp
Caravan News 3783

Stockton Mayor Anthony Silva arrested at Silver Lake Camp

Anthony Silva faces several charges involving minors.

Breaking News as reported by KCRA TV and Caravan News.

Stockton Mayor Anthony Silva was arrested Thursday (August 4th) morning at his Stockton youth camp at Silver Lake in Amador County on several charges involving at least one minor, records show.  The FBI and Stockton Police were present.

Silva, 41, was charged with eavesdropping or recording confidential communications, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, providing alcohol to a minor and cruelty to a child by endangering health, according to court records.

Amador County District Attorney's office officials said the charges also concern his involvement in a strip poker game.

Silva was booked into the Amador County Jail because the charges filed took place in that county.  The San Joaquin County District Attorney’s agents made the arrest with the FBI and Stockton Police Department involved with the investigation and at the camp as arrest took place.

The incidents for which Silva is being charged happened between Aug. 5 and Aug. 9, 2015, at the Stockton Silver Lake Camp, according to the Amador County District Attorney.  Silva has been under investigation for some time and the statute of limitation was about to expire and charges needed to be filed before then.

Silva’s longtime political advisor, N. Allen Sawyer, says he will help with the mayor’s defense against these “minor allegations.”

Silva's bail was set at $20,000, according to the Amador County Sheriff's Department. For more on the story, view video on KCRA TV. Click here.

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