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Stockton Opera Guild is having a spring fundraiser Sat March 29, 2014
Caravan News 3161

Stockton Opera Guild is having a spring fundraiser Sat March 29, 2014

featuring vintage accessories; furs, purses, and jewelry.

Yesteryears’ Treasures will feature the vintage furs, purses, jewelry (and more!) of Guild members and other local women.  Models will be from a variety of local organizations. Come enjoy and share memorable moments associated with many special days - serious, humorous, and embarrassing. It is always interesting to learn about local people we know, may have heard of in the newspaper, read about in a magazine, seen on TV or heard about by word-of-mouth.

Following the success of our vintage Bridal Gown Fashion Show last year, we know this event will again be well attended by women of all ages. Book a table of 8 or 10 and enjoy the day!

Yesteryears’ Treasures is being chaired by Courtney Harrel, and will support the art of operatic music in Stockton and San Joaquin County with proceeds donated to the Stockton Opera Association.

The event will be held at the Stockton Golf and Country Club Saturday, March 29, 2014, starting with a social hour at 11 a.m. followed by lunch at noon, and the Fashion Show.

Tickets are $55 each and $30 for children under 12. RSPV by March 15, 2014.

Please make check out to Stockton Opera Guild, Post Office Box  4314, Stockton, Ca 95204. Reserve by March 15, 2014. For additional information, please call 209 932-1160 or e-mail [email protected]


Stockton Opera Guild spring fundraiser

Yesteryears’ Treasures Fashion Show
featuring vintage accessories furs, purses, and jewelry.

Saturday March 29, 2014, at the Stockton Golf and Country Club Luncheon and Fashion Show – (11:00am- social) (12:00pm-lunch) Chairperson – Courtney Harrel.

$55 per guest, $30 for Children under 12
RSVP;  Stockton Opera Guild, Post Office Box  4314, Stockton, Ca 95204.
Please make check out to Stockton Opera Guild Reserve by March 15, 2014 For additional information, please call 209 932-1160 or e-mail [email protected] 

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