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Stockton Walk to End Alzheimer's raises over $195,000 to find a cure
Caravan News 2737

Stockton Walk to End Alzheimer's raises over $195,000 to find a cure

The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s was hosted on the University of the Pacific Campus on Saturday, October 19th. Over 100 teams and 1,104 participants joined the Alzheimer’s Association’s annual walk in Stockton, and exceeded its fundraising goal by $10,000.

“We were so excited to bring the Walk to End Alzheimer’s to the University of Pacific Campus. The success of this event was matched by the love, support, and camaraderie we felt for our caregivers, supporters, and families on this special day. Together, we DID make a difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s,” said Cheryl Schrock, Senior Walk Manager for the Alzheimer’s Association.

The Campion-Warner team was the top fundraising team, raising $7,970 in honor of Don Warner, a resident of Galt, who is suffering from Lewy Body Dementia.

Teresa Mandella was the top individual fundraiser, raising over $5,000. Teresa walks in honor of her husband, Frank, who has been living with Alzheimer’s for the past nine years. She also serves as co-chair for the walk.

“Instead of feeling powerless with this epidemic disease, being involved as co-chair of the Stockton Walk to End Alzheimer’s allows me to feel in control. That is to say, I’m in control of my actions to make a difference in the fight to find a cure,” said Teresa Mandella.

Alzheimer’s is the second leading cause of death in California and is the country’s most expensive disease with nearly 6 million people affected. Alzheimer’s disease is a nationwide epidemic and there is no cure.

Registration for next year’s Stockton Walk to End Alzheimer’s will open on January 1, 2020. Sign up as a Team Captain, join a team or register to walk as an individual at

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