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Stockton Youth Chorale to Holding Auditions
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Stockton Youth Chorale to Holding Auditions

Are you at least eight-years old / in the third grade and love to sing? The Stockton Youth Chorale, a youth program of the Stockton Chorale, gives young singers an opportunity to learn the joys of singing in a fun and supportive environment. Joan Calonico, music supervisor for Lincoln Unified School District for more than 15 years before becoming Principal of Don Riggio Elementary School, is the talented and experienced conductor of the Youth Chorale.

Auditions for the Stockton Youth Chorale will be held on Thursday, August 28th from 5-7pm and Saturday, August 30th from 10-11am. Please call Linda Levine, 957-4054, to schedule an appointment to audition. Rehearsals for the Youth Chorale begin on Thursday, September 4, at Central Methodist Church from 5-7pm.

For more information visit our website at or call Linda Levine at 957-4054.

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