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StocktonCon Annouces 2015 Tony Dexuga Memorial Art Contest
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StocktonCon Annouces 2015 Tony Dexuga Memorial Art Contest

2015 Tony DeZuniga Memorial Art Contest

StocktonCon is proud to announce the fourth annual Tony DeZuniga Memorial Art Contest. Tony passed away in 2012, but his legacy will continue to live on with his family and those that he inspired. He made Stockton his home for the greater part of the last decade and he worked with many local artists, mentoring them when he could. He is an important figure in comic, gallery, and illustration art for several reasons. During the 1970s, he brought a realistic look from his advertising style of illustration. Some of his best work was in collaboration with John Buscema in the early issues of The Savage Sword of Conan. He also co-created Jonah Hex and The Black Orchid for DC comics and worked with a number of important stories in the comic world.

This year’s contest will be split into two categories with a Kids Contest (12 and under) and an Adult Contest (13 and older). The format of the contest is open to any subject matter that each entrant would like in a color 11”x17” poster. Judging will be based on the entrant’s digital submission. All entries will be featured in the StocktonCon program (space permitting).

This Adult Contest is open to age 13 and older with following prizes:

  • First Prize – $200 cash prize, Inside Back Cover of StocktonCon program, future cover of an Action Lab Entertainment comic (Infinite Seven Variant Cover)
  • Second Prize – $100 cash prize, Guaranteed placement inside StocktonCon program
  • Fan Favorite (Facebook voting)– Professional Framing for entry piece by Deck The Walls ($200 value)

This Kids Contest is open to age 12 and under with following prizes:

  • First Prize – $100 gift certificate to Aaron Brothers Art & Framing, Guaranteed placement inside StocktonCon program, prize pack from Action Lab Entertainment, unlimited fall enrollment with Jagged Lines of Imagination
  • Second Prize – $50 cash prize, Guaranteed placement inside StocktonCon program, unlimited fall enrollment with Jagged Lines of Imagination
  • Fan Favorite (Facebook voting)– Professional Framing for entry piece by Deck The Walls ($200 value)

The image submitted must be an original piece of high resolution in color, but may not exceed 20 MB. The entrant must also sign, scan and email the artist’s release. One entry per artist. Entries must be received by June 22, 2015. Entries should be emailed to [email protected]

Entries will be displayed on StocktonCon’s Facebook page (72 dpi) and may be reproduced as full size posters for display at and for use in promotions both before and after StocktonCon on August 8-9, 2015. Smaller reproductions may also be used to promote Stockton-Con. All entries may be reproduced in the StocktonCon program.

Entries will be judged by a panel of professionals who will select First & Second place winners for both contests. The Fan Favorite award will be selected solely by Facebook viewer votes.

Special thanks to Action Lab Entertainment, Deck The Walls and Jagged Lines of Imagination for their support of the Tony Dezuniga Memorial Art Contest.


Tony DeZuniga

Action Lab Entertainment

Deck The Walls – Stockton

Jagged Lines of Imagination

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