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The Angelou Library presents LEGO and Duplo Builders.
Caravan News 13680

The Angelou Library presents LEGO and Duplo Builders.

The Angelou Library presents LEGO and Duplo Builders. Come to the library and use your creativity to build whatever you can imagine with our Lego collection. Lego Duplos are available for younger children. We will showcase all the creations at the library. This program is for ages 4 and up.

Lego and Duplo are on the following Saturdays at 2 p.m.:

July 29, August 19, September 9, September 30, October 21, November 18, December 9 and December 30, 2017.

This free program is provided through the generosity of the Friends of the Stockton Public Library.  The Maya Angelou Branch Library is a part of the Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library and is located at 2324 Pock Lane in Stockton.  For more information, call (209) 937-8221 or (866) 805-7323. Visit the Library’s website at and fan or follow us on and

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