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The good fight continues!
Caravan News 11087

The good fight continues!

Biggest Loser - Day: 7

It's Monday and I've been on this diet for one week and I love my scale!  It shows that I've lost 10 pounds!

As I mentioned before, treadmill wasn't working and I joined a gym. It's great being there.  Saturday I was able to watch football on the big screens while I was on the treadmill.  Normally, I would have watched the game at home with friends and my BEST friends, Cheeto's, Kettle Salted Chips, a sugary drink, some pizza and more.  Yes, it's great watching the NFL playoffs with friends but it felt great to have a good workout on the treadmill.

What's very interesting is that one can still eat delicious foods without feeling like all one gets to eat is cardboard.  Have you ever tried most rice cakes!  Yuk!  (That's me, but I did find some great rolled rice treats that were slightly sweetened had really tasted good.)  

I cooked some beans for the family because they say they are good for you.  Not the refried beans that I loooove but the whole beans. Or their fancier name of their food type "legumes" as most diet books call them.  Honestly, I should have stuck with regular pinto beans.  They taste great.  For some reason these beans looked dark and they didn't taste very good.  You know they are bad when you offer them to growing teenagers and they take a bit and don't want any more.  Oh well, I know Salvador, former owner of Joe's Mexico City and even my dad  both know how to make great beans! I'll follow their recipes from now on and pay attention to just get regular PINTO beans.

Sunday morning's meal was a delicious egg omelette of broccoli and onions and topped off with just a little bit of cheese.  Now this is something the teenagers wanted a second serving!  What really made it was salsa.  It was homemade but you can buy a favorite one for you but be sure it doesn't have lots of sugar.

A wise young niece said, "Take it slow on the treadmill and build up."  That's what I'm going to do.  Whatever feels comfortable to you, that's the speed that you should use.  You'll find when it's right to increase it.  Thanks Jaz for the advice.

So I'm off to the gym and look forward to keeping the weight loss going and participating in St. Joseph' Hospital's "Biggest Loser" contest. 

Good luck to each of you with your efforts to enjoy a healthy life.  It really is fun once you get started.



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