The Market at Delta College Hosts SALUD Outreach Health Fairs
The University of the Pacific Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in partnership with The Market at Delta College, is hosting two free SALUD Outreach Health Fair events on Saturday, January 18, and Saturday, March 22, from 10am - 2 pm, at Delta’s Locke 2 parking lot.
During Delta's SALUD Outreach events, local pharmacy students from U.O.P. will offer free screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes. In addition, the fair will offer personal medication reviews and a limited amount of flu vaccines to the Hispanic community, which is normally underserved in terms of healthcare. Delta College's fairs will also include numerous booths that offer overall health education.
The ultimate goal of this outreach program is to bring awareness directly to the Hispanic community about the importance of obtaining regular health screenings. The conditions being screening for are the leading causes of death within the Hispanic community. According to San Joaquin County Public Health Services (SJCPHS), “In San Joaquin County, a much greater percentage of Hispanic adults (about 1/3) were without any health insurance in 2009 than any other race."
SJCPHS says the leading causes of death in the Hispanic community are heart diseases (20%) and diabetes (5%). The free SALUD Health Fair screening services offered at Delta College can help save lives.
The SALUD Outreach Health Fair encourages everyone to come out and take advantage of these free screenings. Please bring as many friends and family members as possible. Special thanks to University of the Pacific, Delta College and The Market at Delta College team - Fidel Cabuena, Charles Fregoso and Gena Expose for joining forces to support SALUD Health Fairs.