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Third Annual Western STAND Crab Feed
Caravan News 3359

Third Annual Western STAND Crab Feed

January 28th - San Joaquin Fairgrounds

Event date: 1/29/2017 2:00 AM - 5:30 AM Export event

It is time again for the 3rd Annual Western Crab Feed presented by “Stocktonians Taking Action to Neutralize Drugs” (STAND) on Saturday, January 28th at the San Joaquin Fair Grounds from 6:00pm to 9:30pm.

It’s a short time away so hurry and buy your tickets. Fred Sheil, STAND Executive Director, said “This is our only fund raiser of the year. It all goes to support all the youth activities that the Board does for the kids of the neighborhood. This is the most inexpensive crab feed of the area and by far the most fun.”

You ask, “What is a Western Crab Feed?” Good question. Say you love crab, but you partner hates seafood and wants beef. Well, we have the solution. They also offer ribs, hand prepared by the husband of STAND’s Board President. The event includes crab, pasta, salad, spaghetti, bread, appetizers, shrimp cocktail, ribs and chicken.  There will also be entertainment and raffle prizes plus beverages to purchase.

Tickets are $45 in advance or $50 at the door.  Tickets can be purchase by calling  Virginia Gorman, (209) 466-2451.  You can also buy tickets online at our Facebook page, “STANDCommunityStockton”. Scroll down to the Post of the Crab Feed and click on flyer image. That will take you to the EventBrite site where you can pay.

Event address is:  1658 South Airport Way, Building 2, Stockton.

For those of you who do business with us, please buy a table or a block of tickets.


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