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UPDATE: I-5 Corridor Improvements - Next stage: Southbound Lane Shift
Caravan News 2400

UPDATE: I-5 Corridor Improvements - Next stage: Southbound Lane Shift

(Pershing Avenue to Country Club Boulevard)

Caltrans would like to extend their appreciation to motorists and residents for their cooperation during the construction of the Interstate 5 (I-5) Corridor improvement projects.

I-5 Rehabilitation Project: Stage III and Stage IV will be done in two phases. In order to effectively tie into the existing traffic conditions and minimize confusion for motorists traveling north of Country Club Boulevard, Stage IV of the I-5 Rehabilitation Project will occur prior to Stage III.

As part of Stage IV, southbound lane shifts are scheduled for August / September 2014. Stage IV will shift southbound traffic from Country Club Boulevard to Charter Way (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard) to the northbound lanes allowing crews to reconstruct the lanes. (Simulation 1),

Traffic in the #1 (left) and #2 (middle) lanes will need to stay to the left; there will be no on or off-ramp access within the shift. Motorists will need to stay to the #3 (right) lane for on and off-ramp access to Pershing Avenue, Mount Diablo Avenue, and Country Club Boulevard off-ramps. In Stage III, crews will perform the same work but in the northbound direction.

• Message signs will be in place. 

• Only the #3 (right) lane will have on and off-ramp access.

• Remember 55 mph speed limits are in place.

Next stage: Southbound lane shift (Pershing Avenue to Country Club Boulevard) Summer 2014 Volume 2, Issue 2 Edmund G. Brown Jr. , Governor Malcolm Dougherty , Director North Stockton Improvement Project : Stage II shifted northbound traffic to the median. Some traffic has been partially shifted back to the newly paved northbound lanes between Country Club Boulevard and March Lane. Northbound traffic, up to Hammer Lane, will be able to travel on new pavement by end of the summer.

Stage III will shift southbound traffic to the median. Three travel lanes will remain open in each direction while crews replace the southbound freeway pavement and construct outside auxiliary lanes and soundwalls. Stage III is estimated to be completed in one year. Stage IV will shift southbound traffic back to the southbound lanes. Crews will then remove temporary barriers, construct permanent median barrier, install final signing and striping.

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