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Caravan News 5435

Why I'm Running for Public Office?

It takes a dedicated person to give their life over to public service.  Profound changes can happen.  Profound prices can be paid.  Think of Nelson Mandela and many others that impacted the world by simple acts of local service.  It appears that some of the candidates are based on the Rotary Club motto, "Service Above Self."

The CARAVAN asked a simple question, "Why are you running for public office and what impact do you expect to have?


Kathy Miller, candidate for County Supervisor

I believe our community and region will thrive with passionate, experienced and effective elected officials leading the way.

I have not only accepted assignments to serve on the Council of Governments, Groundwater Banking Authority, Regional Rail Commission, and Delta Protection Commission, but I am currently chairing the SJ Delta Coalition and Flood Control Agency and am the 2nd Vice President for the statewide League of CA Cities.  Because I’ve put in the time to understand the complex issues facing us, I’ve been an effective advocate for Stockton.

I was responsible for securing more than $8m for our Neighborhood Stabilization Programs through my advocacy in Washington, DC.  Because of my thorough understanding of Stockton’s financial crisis, I was the only elected official to testify in the bankruptcy eligibility trial, which we won.

I have assumed leadership of difficult, but necessary, efforts to reform City government, including passage of Measure H to control runaway costs, and championed the Marshall Plan on Crime.  I led efforts to pass Measures A & B, even contributing my own funds to the campaign.

I am passionate about Public Service and love this community.  I have been actively and effectively serving it for almost twenty years.  I am running for the Board of Supervisors because I want to provide the Leadership we need to secure a strong and healthy future for San Joaquin.


Elbert Holman, incumbent candidate for Stockton City Council

Protecting the citizens of Stockton is our first and most important responsibility. As a retired investigator for both the Sheriff’s Department and District Attorney’s office, I have spent my entire career fighting to keep murderers and violent criminals off our streets. My work contributed to the convictions of some of San Joaquin’s most notorious criminals including Antonio Espinosa, Monty McFall, and the guilty pleas of fellow conspirators, Sheriff Baxter Dunn and N. Allen Sawyer.

After a successful 34-year career in law enforcement I was elected to the City Council where I have worked tirelessly to make Stockton a safer community. I serve on the Marshall Plan Committee, and played a role in the development of this successful crime plan. We implemented Operation Cease Fire, which led to a significant reduction in violent crime, even during difficult fiscal times.
 Our city has made great strides, but the job is not finished. Moving forward, Stockton will experience the benefits of a fully funded Marshall Plan that includes 120 more police officers. I will continue to make public safety my top priority and will make sure our police department has the resources to protect us from crime, drugs, gangs and graffiti.

Tori Verber Salazar, Candidate for District Attorney

With over 25 years of professional life working in the County District Attorney's Office, I began my career in 1987 working full time while attending Law School at night.  In 2001 I became a Deputy District Attorney and in 2006 joined the Gang-Homicide Unit of the District Attorney’s Office. Assigned to prosecute and bring to justice some of the most dangerous and hardened criminals. In working as the lead prosecutor, we conducted the largest sweep of Asian gang members in the history of San Joaquin County, dismantling the notorious LTC gang’s ability to distribute narcotics, guns and violence in our community.

I decided to run for District Attorney three years ago to serve the public in an enhanced capacity. Since then, I've worked hard to attend community events.  I believe it's important to be involved to better understand how to help.

Working for the District Attorney's office, I have worked with others to successfully prosecute some of San Joaquin's most violent criminals. With a near perfect prosecution win record, it demonstrates my effectiveness and steadfast commitment to protecting the citizens of San Joaquin County.

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